機型簡介: 設備規格: 處理器規格為第12代I5處理器,內存8GB,硬盤有500GB。 使用心得: 打開電腦,進入WINDOW設定,足足跑了30多分鐘,也許是第一次設定要花比較多的時間, 設定好了,重...
架站的問題層出不窮,完整流程可以看這篇<WordPress+Google Cloud Platform架站心得>。 有時候就連簡單申請一個SSL Certificate的問題都可以很多。 而且明...
Blogger and Runner
Welcome to my blog! I'm Charlie Chacha, and here I'll be sharing valuable insights on living a fulfilling life and achieving financial success. Join me as we delve into topics such as effective time management, personal growth, and the art of learning. I firmly believe that putting in the effort and embracing continuous learning is the key to unlocking a prosperous future. So, let's embark on this journey together and discover how to thrive in both life and finances!