圖表不能涵蓋各種各樣的訊息,例如5857.T ASAHI HOLDING,貴金屬回收及環保事業公司,常態分佈圖表很典型,股價及配息呈正斜率,價格也位於均值右邊一個標準差,所有條件都符合買入訊號,可是背...
用EXCEL在YAHOO FINANCE找資料爬了很多文,大部分只是教人如何爬HISTORY部分,這個真的不難,畢竟都是一個...
常態分配曲線的概述: 常態分配(Normal distribution)又名高斯分配(Gaussian distribution),經...
Interactive Brokers 簡稱IB,會選擇用這間證券公司的原因,不外乎是能夠投資海外資產以及做孖展(margin)。孖展,但凡有接觸過股票的人都應該聽過這個名詞非常危險,分分鐘輸光本金,...
Blogger and Runner
Welcome to my blog! I'm Charlie Chacha, and here I'll be sharing valuable insights on living a fulfilling life and achieving financial success. Join me as we delve into topics such as effective time management, personal growth, and the art of learning. I firmly believe that putting in the effort and embracing continuous learning is the key to unlocking a prosperous future. So, let's embark on this journey together and discover how to thrive in both life and finances!