升息內容概述: 美聯儲公佈5月議息結果<Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement>,如果要簡單回顧一下上次的議息內容,可以先看這兩篇: <美國聯邦儲...
昨日美國聯邦儲備局發佈了3月份的《Minutes of the Meeting of March 15–16, 2022》的內容,市場最關注的焦點--縮表,終於有了比較具體的內容。 聯邦儲備局成員的普...
Negative factors: Can you imagine that any negative factors would affect cruise line operations? May...
盈富基金的組成: 盈富基金(2800.HK)是一隻指數基金,由若干隻股票根據不同比例組成,要計算估值其實就是要計算各個成份股再按比例計算,估算的估算,可想而知,難度會相當大,而且存在誤差的範圍也高,所...
Revenues: For the quarter, net revenues grew 10% to $9.5 billion, resulting in net revenues ahead of...
九州旅客鐵道株式会社(9142.T )2022年度第三季的經常利益終於由負轉正,現階段是否值得持有呢? 根據weblio的解釋,以下為經常利益的計算方式: 経常利益=売上高-(売上原価...
2022/1/27 静岡マシンヤード(底地)を取得,取得金額6億,利回6%。這項資產的增購到底貢獻多少價值呢?東海道リート總市值為187億,約佔總市值的3.21%,如果按分配金來計算,6億X6%/17...
Blogger and Runner
Welcome to my blog! I'm Charlie Chacha, and here I'll be sharing valuable insights on living a fulfilling life and achieving financial success. Join me as we delve into topics such as effective time management, personal growth, and the art of learning. I firmly believe that putting in the effort and embracing continuous learning is the key to unlocking a prosperous future. So, let's embark on this journey together and discover how to thrive in both life and finances!