About Me

改名為Charlie Chacha的小屋也代表著我想法的改變,雖然近年主要用於分享關於投資的知識。不過,對我而言,投資只是一個通往更美好生活的方法,如果可以,我希望把時間投放在更喜歡的事情上,例如:跑步、旅行、美食、閱讀小說等等。畢竟人生有限,如果因為金錢而受到局限,又或者倒頭來為了要擺脫金錢的局限而變得更加局限,那是多麼不值得的一件事啊。



Charlie Chacha’s Hut is a personal finance blog about dividends. Here, we provide everything you need to know about dividend investments. Dividends are necessary because they allow you to make money even while you sleep.

My goal is to educate readers about dividend investments in order to achieve financial independence and improve their lives. As you progress towards financial independence, you’ll realize it’s not the end goal, but rather a means to a better life. I aim to share practical knowledge, which differs from the theoretical knowledge typically taught in schools and universities. Theoretical knowledge alone is often worthless without practical application, highlighting one of the significant weaknesses of modern higher education. There is a wealth of information available online, allowing us to learn from the insights of experts. However, what’s more important than “what” they thought is understanding “why” they thought that way. I will do my best to provide this understanding.

I am delighted to share my thoughts and surprised to be writing in English. Some years ago, I believed that studying grammar was the first step to writing. However, I now recognize that practical experience holds greater importance than theory. Practice makes perfect. I believe that tomorrow will be better.

If you have any questions about investments or learning, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I look forward to hearing from you.


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